There are lots of ways to change the world--pick one!

Monday, June 28, 2010

DAY ONE (John 1)

The Gospel of John is a favorite of many--including me!  If you are new to your bible, it's a great place to start.  The author is John.  He was called a "son of thunder" and "the disciple that Jesus loved".  John's Dad Zebedee  (like John) was a fisherman.  His Mom was Salome and may have been the sister of Mary, the Mother of Jesus.

The theme of the Gospel of John is the deity of Jesus.  As you read through the first 18 versus of this Gospel, what do you see as a theme or purpose of the book?  Take a look at John 20:31 as well concerning John's purpose.

Look at John 1:14.  Think about the creator taking on human form.  Why do you think Jesus  became just like us and lived, played, worked and served our world?  What does that say about how he wants to relate to you?

As we find Jesus calling his disciples in this chapter (John 1:35),  how much does he tell these guys in terms of his future plans for them?  What is the one thing he asks of them?  What does that teach you about the way God wants to guide you?

Ask the Holy Spirit to show you any specific things in this chapter he would like you to apply to your life.  Be a good listener and enjoy the journey today!


  1. Thanks for this challenge! I get so overwhelmed with every-day life (children, laundry, email, laundry, husband, laundry, etc.) that it's easy to go through a day without sitting and basking in the Lord's presence. This is just what I need!

  2. Like many, I am drawn to the "check list" - and so I appreciated the bookmark and reminder... read through Chapter 1 today, any - with yesterday's message in mind, prayed to avoid "information dump" and instead focused on drawing near to God, inviting Him to draw near and teach me today. May my heart be open to speak to the Lord, even when I'm not making Him a "to do" list... Looking forward to Day 2

  3. To me John is the acid test of Bible translations. If 1:1 is worded differently then I discard the reading of it. This morning I didn't read due to the life duties on my check list.I knew that I would have some time in between work and taking my youngest to the Salvation Army to leave for camp, so that was the plan. Man it seemed that nothing was going right fan motors burnig out screws stripping out and well you get the picture. When I got home to pick up the little one I had time to read and as I was nearing the end of my study my little one came in. She wanted to show me her prayer box and the three prayers she had placed in the box, we talked about her prayers and she said that she knew that God was very busy and that He would answer them when He got the chance. BAMM!! He opened the door. For the next thiry minutes He, my little one, and I spent time together. We spoke of His divinity, ablility to be everywhere, and how He heard every presiouse prayer. Then she ask how. The conversation went into Gen. talking about how it all began and the to John 1. How precious it is when the Lord speaks to you in His on way. For me today it was through sharing His word and His divinity with my little one, I can't wait for tomorrow. Be in His peace.


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