Blindness is defined by Webster as the inability to see due to physiological or neurological factors. There is another kind of blindness—that of the heart. This blindness is an inability or unwillingness to perceive or understand. Sometimes we say things like “a person is blind to their lover’s faults” or that “teenagers seemed to be blind to the consequence of their actions”. Likewise, Chapter 9 of John describes a spiritual blindness. II Corinthians 4 says that Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don't believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don't understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God. Never forget that was our condition before we met Jesus!
As John writes about the healing of the blind man, did you notice how he makes a point of telling us that this man was well known to the community because he had been blind from birth? Why do you think that detail is important? My hunch is that John is setting the stage to show us just how antagonistic these leaders really were towards Jesus. They refused to accept the obvious fact that this man had been blind and could now see. So they call his parents to testify. When the facts are confirmed, they decide to call a technical because Jesus healed him on the Sabbath (the day of rest).
Do you remember the cries of these religious leaders from Chapter 8 demanding of Jesus “Who are you?” These leaders could see physically but refused to acknowledge who Jesus really was. Despite the overwhelmingly set of facts pointing to Jesus divinity, many in Jesus day refused to accept His claims. Do you think things are much different today? If Jesus came down to our city today and performed miracles and healings, do you think people would accept Him any more readily then they did in His day? What does this tell you about the role of prayer when sharing who Jesus claims to be? What’s the remedy for spiritual blindness?
I love the responses the blind man gives to those investigating Jesus miracle! He tells these sophisticated theologians that there is a lot he does not know. Uneducated, unskilled at argument, the man could only utter the difference Jesus had made in his life. Have you ever thought you couldn’t share your faith because you’re not equipped, or trained or you don’t have all the answers? I have! That’s why this story is such a great encouragement for people like you and me. It reminds us that a changed heart is one of the most powerful statements you can offer about who God is. If you are a Christ-follower, you have a story to tell. That story is the difference Jesus is making in your life. Crafty arguments and slick presentations really don’t convince people of who Jesus is. In fact, often it is not truth that offends, it’s our arrogance. We are, as C.S. Lewis liked to say, “just one beggar telling another where there’s food.” Our responsibility is simply to share who Jesus is and then pray that through the power of the Holy Spirit, their eyes would be opened. We don’t change people’s hearts, God does!
Spend some time today specifically praying for God to use you in sharing your story and, by name, pray for the Holy Spirit to begin working in the life of each person He brings to mind. Friends that you would love to find a true saving relationship with Jesus.
I close with a Hymn I wrote sometime back during one of my own struggles. May you feel God’s presence today as you walk with Him and observe where He is at work in and through you!
Oh Word of Light
Oh word of light cast down on me
That I might see anew
The true self that your light reveals
My idols never few
Come clear these eyes my folly see
Heart’s idols now constrain
And set me free to learn your grace
Your praise, my lips refrain
Wash clean the stains rebellion makes
My life ambitions stayed
And teach me how to follow God
Abandoning my way
With rays of grace, awaken me
Come shine in secret thought
That I might find my rest in Thee
Made safe from what I’ve sought
My Christ my Savior and my God
Make now my passions new
And let me show in moments here
A heart made free by you
Jeff Weber